Thursday, August 20, 2009

The vest

I decided to tackle the vest first to give me more time to research certain things for the skirt.

I am using this pattern from Butterick, obviously :) but will be altering it to make it look more like the above vest. I'll be using mainly veiws A and B which are the red and tweed ones pictured.

I'll be making a mock up first before cutting into my velvet of course. The velvet and lining was purchased online at Fashion Fabrics Club. The velvet is a dark gray/blue and is quite lovely. Though it's always so hard to capture velvet on camera is it not? I chose purple lining cause it was 1. way cheaper than black and 2. so much more fun!

And then there are the buttons. It's a bit difficult to really see exactly what buttons they used on the vest so I kind of just went with a general look. And if they ever come out with better pics and I can track down the correct ones someday, it's a simple and cheap fix. In any case, these are the ones I found at Joann's.

So, now that I have all my supplies I'm planning on cutting out and studying the pattern tonight to work out how and where I need to change things to suit and hopefully even get my muslin cut out. We'll see how much I can get done with Gabriel's "help". He took a nap this afternoon and I selfishly allowed it to last as long as he wished which in turn means he'll be up later than usual with me.


Anna Kristine said...

Oh this is going to be so amazing! That pattern and thise buttons are so perfect! I love watching your progress. :)
Hmm...I really ought to get started on my sister's Queen of Hearts costume. And then maybe a costume of my own. ;)

Unknown said...

As far as I can tell those buttons looks perfect! And velvet... well it's simply divine, need I say more? I so can't wait to see the vest come together!! Eeeee... i'm so excited that your making this. It's wonderful!

Anna said...

just found your blog
and I love it!!!
maybe you like mine too?

Anonymous said...

Wow! Can't wait to see how it goes. I came here from the Art of Clothes and so glad I did. Your blog is a feast for the eyes!

Anna Kristine said...

Hi AnnaMae...I just gave you a blog award. Check it out Here:

Carly said...

Any progress on this? :) I'm thinking about finally tackling the skirt!!

annamae said...

Carly, Sadly life has run away with me in terms of time to sew costumes for myself...however I'm planning on getting this done by Halloween this year so there should be a new post in the next month or so.